We spent a wonderful day with Ben and Jenn's kids in Tucson Saturday, 8/29,2009.

First we took the kids (without parents - mine or theirs) to the Tucson Zoo. It is the perfect size for young children . . . and old people like us! When I lost Noah at one point, this two-year-old said, "You stick with me, Opah," and he took my hand and lead me off to see some new critter! That made us laugh :)
We did that for a couple of hours and then they had to go to a birthday party for a friend. So, Ben took us out to see the location and model of the home that they are having built in Sahuarita, south of Tucson.

Next we were off to meet the kids for some kid time at the Children's Museum on Sixth Ave., north of 22nd St. That was loads of fun. Noah was my buddy again and we played in the train room and had to see the dinosaurs. He was scared spit-less by the T-rex but he had to watch it move and open it's mouth anyway. We rang the bells and ran the lights and sirens on the fire engine and police motorcycle. They shopped in the Mercado and climbed the kids rock wall. They drew, painted, ran the submarine and a dozen other hands-on activities.

It was hard for the kids to leave the museum but we finally convinced them with the promise of ice cream. So, off to Austin's we went. When Gaye and I were young married, we used to take the kids to Austin's for good report cards, when it was still on Broadway close to the U of A, still small and crowded, and still owned by the Austin family. The kids loved it - and then crashed big time. They were home and in bed by 6 PM. Ben and Jenn were happy to have an evening to themselves.
It was then off to El Coral for steaks for the two of us before we left town. And gas was $2.45/gallon - $.15 better than in the Phoenix area.
be careful who you call "Old" there, buddy!!