Gaye is out of town. That much should be obvious. How else would I have survived making such a mess in the house?
I figured that I really wanted to flip the layout so that we could use the windows for light now and then.
So, I started moving things around. But some things are attached to cables. Not just electricity-type cables but ones that make stuff come on the TV, too.

So I found some extra coaxial cables. But you can;t just hook those together because someone who wasn't as smart as the guy who invented water hoses put the same kind of ends at both ends.
I went and found some adapters. Things were falling into place. But, when I got it all done, there was an extra piece - a leather chair and foot stool that was still sitting in the middle of the room and no where to put it because it would have to sit in front of the laundry room door in my layout.
So, back it all went to the original plan. I guess it is just tough to improve on Gaye's system.