We finally finished the showshoes. They were not quite done here in this photo but we got them all put together, webbed and shoe holds put on them. As is typical, some are better than others and some look like plastic soldier mutants - you guys knwo what I mean. When you melt those little plastic sodiers and the goop you get when you are done.
When you are doing snowshoes for the first time and you add Boy Scouts of different ages into the mix, we ended up with some shoes that were pretty good (the end ones by the older Scouts) and some that look a lot like toasted - no, burned marshmallows. But they will work for the activity that we have in mind.
Has anyone got any suggestions about how to dispose of these things? We could donate a pair to the Bishop for his wall. :) If we gave a pair to each Scout that would about deplete our supply. But it was a very fun activity.
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