And what is The Next Experiment? Ah, that is the rub. As those of you who know me may remember, I hate cold. I hate drinking cold drinks. I hate showering in cold water. I hate being cold. And most of all, I hate sitting on a cold toilet seat. So how in the world did I get talked into going on a snow camp out by a bunch of Boy Scouts? I don't know.
I suspect that it must have had something to do with the challenge of a new experiment to take my numb (with cold) mind off of the fact that I am going to have to sleep, eat and play in the cold for about 24 hours. We are going to make snow caves to sleep in, also. That, too, will be fun after the numbness leaves my hands from digging in the snow.
So, I quickly went to the internet and let Google find me everything about snow shoes. Too much information. So I let Google find everything about making snow shoes. Better. After reading one blog about how they had made the cool looking shoes (shoe?) above I wanted to know how. I sent off an email. But I am just not the type of person who can sit and wait for a response. This time I let Google find me Snow Shoes DIY. That lead me to a page that appears to be produced by the same guys (Redwood Scouter) who did the previous page about making these things.
He says that you have to heat and bend this PVC (gray PCV, to be exact) and then drill it and string it. I wonder if one strings it too tight if you could make music while you walk? Perhaps another experiment in the making. Hmmmm...
I have a torch. I bought some PVC. Not just any PVC. Not white or black PVC. I bought GRAY PVC! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And I will let you all know how this saga plays out. Just the cold facts.
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