Well, climbing under the netting was getting a little bit tedious. So the first task was to put several screws into the structure and tighten up the netting. You see, the cats were getting in (and sometimes out) and birds were getting in (and often not out) so it was time to remove the problem by fastening the netting to the sides.
This creates another problem - I couldn't get in without lifting the edge of the cage up and climbing in or out. So I, Grog, invented the door. With another long, long piece of PVC and some scraps from building the cage, I formed a door. And I cut out the netting and attached it to the door.
I scrounged around in the shed and found a pair of hinges that would work and a handle. I also located a couple of "P" fasteners for hanging electrical conduit that I used to make a stop for the door. But unfortunately, I still had to make a trip to Home Depot for a door spring to pull the door shut. Finally, I dug around in the shed and came up with another piece of shade cloth and covered most of the top which provides perfect shade for the plants inside. (I am hoping that with the shade I won't have any more of the "cracks" in the tomatoes.)
And this is the bounty that I brought in today. I had to beat Jennie off when she was over here because the door was not ready even though she did offer to climb under the cage to get them. But now she can come test out the new, very convenient door.
P.S. - Mom and I went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie last night. It was great but might be a bit scarey for little ones.
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