Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Day In The Life - 06/15/2011: Books I Have Loved

Books. Books. What I've read recently.

 Finished the first five "coroner" books by Collin Cotrell. They are mysteries that don't move too fast, have a little bit of peasant-type body humor but I love the way he writes. He just has his characters making comments that are so off-the-wall funny to me that I keep reading. The first one is titled "The Coroner's Lunch". I have one more, #6, to read.

Next, I recently finished re-reading all three Eragon books in anticipation of the fourth and final book being released in November. I am glad I did. There was a lot of details that I had forgotten, especially near the end when I was reading until 4 o'clock in the morning and then discovered that this was NOT a trilogy and let out a wail that woke Gaye up. But, now, after several years, he is probably trying from being killed by his readers and finishing the series.

I also finished a book by Keith Thomson titled "Once a Spy" It took me a while to get into the action of this book but it turned out to be very good. I talked about having seen the author at the Poisoned Pen in one of my earlier blogs. So now I've started his second in this series, appropriately named "Twice A Spy". (He promises that the third one will not be "Thrice A Spy".) It is a good training manual for when I get Alzheimers . . . worse.
In the e- category, I re-read all of the Harry Potter books to be ready for the release of the last movie next month. Although I did not like the ending of the last one hopefully they can mend that with the merging of the next one. We will see soon enough.
I am still working on The Count of Monte Christo but it has become very boring. Maybe I'll skip ahead since I already know the ending.
I have also started another Agatha Christi book titled "Murder Is Announced" which is quite intriguing.

Well, I'm off to flip a few pages . . . .


  1. I LOVE a reading man.....mmmmmm :)

  2. i just finished all the HP books, too. I need to find some new series' to read, so, this is a good list to remember. I have one of the paolini books electronically, but need to get the first ones that way, so that I can read all three in anticipation of that series finale, too. :)
