I was talking with a friend of mine at work about ten days ago regarding what was happening in his life and he mentioned that he had this air hockey table that he had not been able to sell. He was going to have to disassemble it and take it to the trash. I mentioned that I was interested in air hockey and asked about the table. It was in good shape and was one of the higher-end models and that I could have it if I would come and get it.
Well, that cinched it. There is nothing that I like better than free. So I gathered the boys (Paul, Quentin and Kyle) and we went over to Andrew's house. The table was in pretty good shape but needed some repair on the feet. We brought it home and I did the repair and then assembled the table and tested it out. It works great. Now, to get some scouts and my kids over to really test it out. But no matter what, it is really hard to beat free.

So, since the kids were already over, Jessica volunteered to cook dinner. So Gaye and I made a run to the store (not free this time) and got a few things while Jess did the cooking. It was a marvelous dinner and Gaye loved the not cooking part (which must be the next best thing to free!) The grand kids played outside and inside until about 9:30 pm. It was so much fun spending time with all of them.
Thanks, Kyle, Quentin and Paul - for the help in hauling the air hockey table; and Jess and Gaye - for dinner. Yum!
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