Friday, November 18, 2011

A Day In The Life - 09/24/2011: You Crack Me Up

 These pictures are large because I want you to feel my pain!

Here I was, upstairs, minding my own business. All of a sudden there is the loud crash downstairs. You know, there are crashes and then there are crashes where it sounds like a car just plowed into the living room. This was kind of like the second one.
I came running down stairs to see what had happened.
It is kind of hard to explain but there were a couple of closet doors that had been brought down and were very slowly migrating to the garage. evidently they were not leaning too well against the wall. and they tipped over, not only hitting the corner of the 2-month-old 51" TV (which would probably have been bad enough by itself) but pushing it off of the stand onto the floor.

The good news is that the sound still works fine!

The bad news is that I had to tell Gaye about the catastrophe when she got home from shopping. And, because we are just heading into football season, it meant that we had to "go to the store, buy one more, 2 giant TV's on the wall". At least the second one is going on the wall. Get that thing out of the way!

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