Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Day In The Life - 11/16/2010: The Money Tree

Who said, "Money doesn't grow on trees"? Oh, yeah. I did. But I blame that on my parents who reinforced that thought regularly through out my early life. And now I find that we were completely wrong. You just have to know where to look, be a little creative and have a partner who is just as creatively devious as you are.
So when Gaye suggested that we make a money tree for a birthday gift I was hesitant but game to see what she had up her sleeves.
She immediately got on the internet and looked up dollar origami. Who would have thought. Hearts were two hard. Hearts that held quarters where worse. We finally settle on a set of instructions for making butterflies which I sort of understand. I really needed a video but I kind of got the idea and we started making dollars into butterflies.
We clipped a couple of branches from one of the trees, grabbed a plastic pot, put in some foam to poke the "tree" into, and red "grass" to top everything off. A bow around the pot and it was ready for the hard part.
The last part of the job was to hang all of those green butterflies from the branches of the tree.
It actually turned out pretty cool. The video shows it in action with a little breeze. But I think that the butterflies were getting angry from being tied down. At least I think that was growling at the end of the video.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being my partner in crime....I mean creativity!
