I have been working at home for the month of November to see how I would like to be a full time at home worker. My office desk is next to the window upstairs and so I often have the curtains open so that I can spy on the neighbors - I mean, so I can enjoy the morning breezes and the sunrise.
As I was enjoying these trivial pleasures, I saw the birds in the neighborhood running for their little lives, feet churning, diving under bushes, rafters or anything else that would offer some cover. That is when I saw it. A dinky little guy all muscular and looking for everything like he owned the place as far as he could see. I love it. It is about time we got someone in to clear out the bird riff-raff. They do get rid of the pigeons and other scavenger birds. The mocking birds have also cleared out. I did notice that the woodpeckers seem to have less respect for this carnivore of the air. But he still got the pole to himself.
And coincidence being what it is, I have just started reading the book Hawk Song, recommended by Paige Richardson. I'll let you know how it is when I finish it.
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