I love busy days - days spent in the yard, at the shows and involved in life up to my neck. That was what this Saturday was. It began with two lawns to mow - mine and Mom's (or is it Dad's?) The dog, known as Mutton-head, loves the out of doors in her own way. She races around the yard as fast as she can go. Then she takes a dive into the lawn with a twist so that she slides on her back for her own kind of back scratching Olympic event. Then it is off to her own corner of the yard to do her business before sticking her nose into the air and then all around the yard sucking up dust and anything else that smells. Then it is back to the lawn for more racing and scratching.

About 10 o'clock we were off to the Home and Building show at the Phoenix Convention Center. Rosie on the House was broadcasting from the show as well as working with Sanderson Ford to give away a new Ford truck and a rafting trip down the Colorado in the Grand Canyon.

Gaye and I wandered around the show for awhile, getting ideas and talking to a few tradesmen about their products. I am looking for three trees for the back yard. We talked with the guys at Moon Valley and they had some of what we wanted - Chilean Mesquites but the guys at another place, located over on Guadalupe and Stapley/Cooper have a new variety of Mesquite that is much like the Chilean but without dropping all of the foliage and it has a tap root that goes deep down to provide more stability during our blustery storms. I will need to get over there soon to check them out since they did not have any on display at the show.

Then there was this exterminator who had a couple of really cool displays - one that had a tarantula climbing the walls . . .

... and the other had a bunch of scorpions. But not just scorpions. You see that one that looks like it has a yellow spot on it's back? That is a baby scorpion riding on mama. Scary little critters. They were kind enough to open both of the cages so that I could get some pictures. (They must have been
really bored.)

Finally, in the afternoon, there was an open house at the church building. It was built twenty years ago and so they were having an open house to let the neighbors come by and check things out - kind of see what we do and how we are involved in the community. The Mayor of Chandler came with several other political people. We also had lots of neighbors come by to visit. There were a lot of people helping to staff the event. And then they fed us.

I was sitting upstairs reading by the window when I saw this wonderful sunset taking place. I just had to run down stairs and snag a couple of pictures. It was very delightful.
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