Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Day In The Life - 8/10: More School Prep

Tuesday Gaye continued to work hard on her new classroom. I did have to go back to work today so I was involved in few of the final events except for hauling in loads of books and some more computer setup. But Gaye did a marvelous job, as can be seen i the following photos.

We were supposed to have Jennie and Kyle over for dinner tonight but Gaye had more to do. So we took the obvious option - go to Ted's for the best hot dogs this side of the Mississippi river. Of course, Jennie was in no mood to co-operate and insisted on sticking out her tongue and hiding behind her sunglasses. Some people's kids!

And after all of my hard work, how does she treat me? She drops me off at the church for my meeting with my bicycle so i can get myself home. Well what do you think of that?! More exercise time. I guess she really wants me to lose some more weight.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a liar!!! I think I will serve you another bowl of ice cream just for that comment!!

    I love seeing our lives through YOUR eyes....I love you!
