Ah, the joys of setting up the classroom at the beginning of the school year. You would think that since most teachers return the next year and will setup their classroom pretty close to the same as the previous year that it would be a slam-dunk. But contraire my fair-weather friend. Over the summer the classroom fairy cleaners come. They clean the carpets. They paint the walls. They sometimes clean computers and scatter the dust in other, less conspicuous locations. So one must take down boards and pack up stuff and stack the desks. All in the name of cleanliness.

And it is much worse if you are moving to a new classroom as Gaye did this year. Last year she was a First Grade teacher. That sounds really awesome - "First Grade". But now she is a Third Grade teacher. With that in mind, add to the list above, "move all of your stuff across the school to a new room, unload all of the stuff left behind by the previous teacher." So the task was huge. And, of course, Gaye's solution is, "Bring my husband down to help me out." It didn't help that I had taken the day off of work. I couldn't say, "Honey, I would really
love to come and help you but I have to go to work." Ooooo, bad planning on my part. But after a few hours of everything from sorting and organizing to putting together computer stuff, she had pitty upon my poor, aching back and turned me loose to enjoy the remainder of my day. Whew! I did get my exercise time for the day in spades, though!
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